Understandably, there is so much noise around us about Covid-19 and politics, as the climate crisis goes on… Although dampened by the change in pace of societal activities, massive production and consumption continue to accelerate changes to the environment-- the extinctions of multiple flora and fauna species are imminent. The magnitude of societal waste and exploitation of critical resources is reaching a level that is far beyond alarming for the survival of all Earth's species and the planet itself as we know it. Many of us artists, in our role as communicators and inspirers, are committed to putting the spotlight on the climate crisis, creating awareness through our images and concepts, and by reusing, upcycling, repurposing materials that otherwise would end up in the landfill or oceans.
During an art residency in Iceland last year, I originally examined aspects of identity/self, exploring the influence of family/society on our choices and existential dilemmas, with my personal life journey as a case study. As I traveled the insular nation of Iceland, my introspective explorations on identity intertwined with themes of nature and climate change. I, thus, conceived my “Of Maps, Cells, Islands and the Planet” Series as subtle commentary on the climate crisis. An example of a painting from this Series is “Until when” (below), that is evocative of an island or our planet, forced to morph at the hands of humankind's constant exploitation in order to survive.
More to come about this topic in future blogs.

Image: Until when, acrylic on canvas paper, 18 x 24 inches, available for purchase. If you are interested in this or other of my artworks, please contact me here.